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  • Writer's pictureR. P. Cox

Top Gun Laws that Help Gun Owners

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

We are truly living in an age of opportunity. We are on the precipice of unprecedented potential for change. America feels like it is ready to take the next step ahead. What that step should be has been the debate of the century. As always, guns are going to be part of that debate. In the last year we have seen the largest influx of new gun owners since we have started keeping track. This should signal our society to a few things. Clearly, people do not feel as safe as they used to. Some of the reasons are: the fear of an unstable economy, supply chains struggling to keep up with demand, seeing the police force not being unable to keep the peace in major cities, wanting to protect your communities, and keeping your families safe.

First time gun owners need education and training. These are the same problems all new shooters have faced. The difference now is the number of new gun owners. I want these new gun owners to be given all the tools they need to be responsible with their weapons. Just because someone has a gun in their home doesn’t make their home any safer. They need to understand the responsibilities and practical ways to store and maintain their gun. They need to be taught marksmanship skills and safe handling. Owning a gun comes with responsibilities.

We need to stop making laws that are anti-gun and stop making guns out to be the bad guy. This just spreads more fear of guns instead of truth. Let’s focus on educating people on advantages of gun ownership. It is obvious that guns are not going away. We need to stop acting like that is the way forward. Whether it’s for sport or protection, guns are part of our American culture. If our politicians want to help out the people they represent, they need give people access to the things they need.

I want up-to-date public ranges that are safe. I want free classes on gun safety. I want free first aid classes. I want these classes with substance and quality. People should have an easy to understand class on gun laws. I know that might be a bit of oxymoron because of the sheer amount of gun laws on the books. However, this is what people deserve. Look at me sounding entitled. I can say this because these are things that should have happened decades ago. With the influx of new shooters, we might actually be able to see some movement in the right direction. If the private and public sectors work together we could see this happen within a year. Let’s start these new shooters off on the right foot.

All of the classes I just mentioned teach perishable skills. If you are not continually practicing your first aid or marksmanship they will deteriorate. If you don’t understand your local gun laws, you could be convicted of a crime you didn’t know you committed. It could be something as simple as having a different grip on your gun, all the sudden you’re a felon. Your ignorance is not a legal defense. However, our gun laws are so extensive and confusing that without education it is easy to break them.

I would like to see debates on whether we have government funded and privately ran classes, or public ran programs. I want people to demand gun education be as essential as road maintenance. It should be part of every community. I could get behind a plan to give private shooting ranges grants if they met certain criteria. Requiring the ranges to have:

  • Proper safety equipment including ventilation, backstops and ballistic panels rated for the type of weapons allowed on the range.

  • Certified RSO (range safety officer) present for every seven lanes.

  • One on one line coaching for new shooters

  • EAP (emergency action plan)certified monthly

  • Some form of safety brief given every time before anyone shoots on the line.

These are just some examples to get the conversation started.

We already have a federal department established that could handle certifying these ranges. The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco or ATF. I know its heresy to mention giving the alphabet boys any more authority. But perhaps they could start doing something that could actually benefit gun owners.

Every police officer I have talked to about concealed carry is absolutely for it. A concealed carry license provides education on safety and the laws applicable to your area. A national license for concealed carry has potential to help our communities. At minimum there should be public debates over its merits.

Doing nothing is irresponsible. We have an opportunity to do something that could actually have positive effects for our country for generations to come. We have to start somewhere. The time to be part of the change you want to see is now.

I can write about all of my hopes and dreams but without real action nothing will ever happen. If you agree with any part of what you have read then you need to take action. Click here for the easiest ways to contact your representatives in Washington D.C. Tell them what you think. If you don’t know what to say, send them a link to this page and tell them to read it. If you disagree with or have a better idea of how we could move forward please comment or send me a message. I enjoy reading all the messages and try to respond as fast as I can.


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