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  • Writer's pictureR. P. Cox

Are you going grey? Why everyone should grow up and go grey.

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

People buy guns for several different reasons. Some people are history buffs and like the antique collector side. Others are into sports and competition. Shooting has been an Olympic sport for years. Some are outdoorsmen and love to hunt. Other buy guns for protection and security. There are several good reasons to own a gun. I don’t believe in scaring people with guns or intimidation. Be proficient and get as much training as you can. I was taught to never brag about your skills or your tools because one is obvious and the other soon will be.

It seems to me that there are two major opinions when it comes to being a gun owner. One is in your face, tacked out, hard target type. The other is simple conservative gray man. In my humble opinion, unless you are getting paid to be the hard target, than you should be the gray man. There is a time and a place to have the physical presence of being a hard target. If you are working security, military, police, or similar, then having that physical presence is necessary. A uniform, kit, weapon, etc all show signs of authority. If you are not in that type of position, then just look like the rest us. Understand that as a gun owner you are an ambassador to everyone who is not.

Open carry is fairly controversial in most places. I have never liked the idea of carrying in the open. It draws too much attention. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable. That is not helping change the perception of the crazy gun nut. Is it legal? Sure, but lots of things are legal but should only be done in the appropriate place. If you are hiking, open carry, if you are hunting, open carry. Working with weapons as a civilian profession, open carry. Buying groceries or getting a coffee, don't open carry. You give the impression that you are not a responsible gun owner. To me you look like a child who needs everyone's attention to feel gratified. Time to grow up. That goes for wearing your kit out in public for no reason. If you are in a situation where you feel that you have to be kitted out, than you don’t need to stop at Starbucks. When you attract that kind of attention, you are causing a problem. Leave your Airsoft gear in the car until you are actually at the Airsoft field.

The Second Amendment is attacked because of people’s fears of guns. Adding to those fears by shoving your hardware in their face is not doing anyone any favors. Be empathetic towards people who have not had experience with weapons. Talk to people about the good experiences you’ve had while shooting. Don’t intimidate them or speak down to them because they don’t have the same understanding you do. They are entitled to their opinion, scaring them or trying to show off isn’t going to help change a negative opinion. A box of 22lr being shot at some soda cans might, that’s just fun.

There are plenty of ways to let people know that you have the capability of protecting them in a bad situation. Mindset is far more important than if you are carrying a weapon. An unconquerable mindset will be more effective means of protection than showing off. Having the mindset that you can thrive in any situation will bring confidence. Confidence is contagious. The idea that you are the weapon and the gun is the tool sounds cliche’ but has a lot of truth to it. Get as much professional training as you can. That will also help build confidence and prepare you with knowledge. A great instructor knows to teach their students to think. If your instructor is not providing you with thought provoking questions, find someone else. I try to live by the saying that if you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room. When you are confidant in yourself and your abilities, the need for that attention of showing off your gun will fade.

A lot of times just avoiding or deescalating a situation is the best route. Don’t let your weapon be the first thing on your mind. Be prepared and have a plan where ever you go. A good gray man does not stand out in a crowd. If you still want people to know that you are a “Gun Guy”, there are plenty of ways to do that and still be the gray man. Wear logos of the companies you like. Wear a Magpul hat and everyone who knows Magpul will know you are a gun guy. The people who might be scared of your open carry will never know the difference. If a situation does occur, you will have the advantage of blending in at the onset. Even John Wick knows to blend in.

Obey all the laws. The best way to accomplish this is by knowing what the laws are. It might take some effort on your part to get familiar with them, but that is part of the responsibility of owning a gun. If that is too much of a responsibility for you to handle, then do not own a gun. It doesn’t help to pick and choose which laws we want to follow and which ones we do not. Honor, obey, and sustain the laws. If there are laws that are unconstitutional, fight them while obeying them. Fight them through the legal process. Gain support, vote out your elected officials and get ones in that will best represent the will of the people. Try again and again. If you are met with force, then you need to decide what the appropriate action is. Non-violence has had great success at a very low cost. Public opinion sways heavily towards the oppressed. If you study General Patton, then balance that out with studying the teachings of Ghandi, Yin and yang, light and dark. Knowledge coupled with understanding is more powerful than any gun. Know that we live by majority rule. If you are in the minority and the overwhelming majority is against you, then be open to the idea that you are wrong and need to reevaluate your train of thought. That is a true test of courage. Put your beliefs to the test and see what is right. That applies to both sides of the isle. If it becomes necessary to take up arms, do not hesitate or try to intimidate. That will only lead to more death. Be surgically accurate with the application of force and only enough to get to a place where you can go back to non-violent means.

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