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  • Writer's pictureR. P. Cox

Don't be silent. These are the easiest ways to contact your representatives in D.C.

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

Contacting your elected officials shouldn’t be difficult. Luckily we live in a time when it is easier than ever to contact them. The classic letter in the post still works. But telephone and email are more efficient. You don’t even need to know who your representatives are! However, you should. If you can keep track of a starting line up, you can keep track of a few politicians.

To contact your Senators simply Google "contact senator." It's honestly that easy. Or click here and it will take you to the Senates contact page on You just need to know what state you are from. You are then taken to the contact page for your senators. They have their telephone number listed or you can send a message right on their page.

For example I sent my Senators the following message:

Mr./Mrs. XXX,

I have been made aware of and read H. R. 5717 and its almost identical legislation of S. 3254. Please do everything you can to oppose this. I don't want any of this to become law.

With respect I have a few ideas for gun legislation I the pro second amendment community could rally behind. If you care, I would be happy to share my ideas.

Thank you for your time,

Very respectfully, Your name here

It can be that simple. Just let them know who you are and that you are for or against whatever you feel. You don’t need to site any legislation. You can just tell them how you feel on any subject. Remember to be respectful and keep your emotions in check. This isn’t Facebook and you don’t get likes for being confrontational. Feel free to copy and paste my message and try reaching out.

Contacting your representative in the House is just about the same process. You can google the contact information, go to or click here. You will need to know your zip code. You could look them up under the state but your zip code gets you to your specific representative.

Make your elected officials work for you! If they suck vote them out. If you think you can do it better, then run for office. If you aren’t seeing the changes you want, rally like minded individuals together and let your voices be heard. The worst thing you could do is nothing. Well maybe whining on Facebook not proposing any solutions might be worse than doing nothing.

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