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The New Second Amendment: I feel like there is so much to say and so much to share that it is difficult to get it all out in the course of a conversation. Many people have different levels of understanding and I find myself explaining the same aspects of the second amendment before I could get to the crux of the conversation. I thought of several ways to solve this problem: perhaps a YouTube channel, perhaps a couple of blurbs on Facebook or videos on Instagram. But there was too much information I wanted to put out to use those sources. Also I don't know how to make an entertaining YouTube video. So I decided to write it all down. This is my own thoughts, the times when I have used other sources I cite the references. I hope you find it interesting and I nervously await feedback from the readers. My biggest fear in writing this is that my words could be twisted into implying things that I am not trying to say. It is not my intention to be divisive. I don’t want to incite anything negative, and I believe I can risk saying what I feel without too much reproach. I know people can live together in harmony and still have difference of opinions. I believe I have the same basic core values as the average American. I just want to clarify my position and the position of many other Americans so we can further discuss the way we should live moving forward.


I would like to thank my editor Byron Hennen for helping my words sound much gooder. Also Scott Haldeman for all the technical support. This blog is only possible with his help. Lastly my family and the friends who are family. You all helped mold me and I hope I return the favor adequately. Thank you.



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Ryan Cox

Blogger, Veteran,

Weapons Instructor


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